Wednesday, January 23, 2008

untuk kesekian kalinya, aline in photographs

aline wearing ACUPAT pants, bukan berarti papa sudah jatuh cinta pada pixel patterns, hanya saja, cari motif woodland untuk ukuran aline memang susah...jadi sedapetnya saja lah...

aline in acupat
i hate pixel patterns, it's less 'scary' than another pattern
aline in acupat

bangun tidur, kuterus poto poto...

aline after nap
afternap smile...baru melek langsung difoto dan langsung pasang senyum terlebar di dunia...

aline eating the remote
inilah penyebab remote control tivi rusak...aline ate it

aline rides odong odong
yeah baby, this ride rocks!...feels like driving an ATV in the jungle of nam...

aline rides odong odong
i'm too fast too furious, eat my dust!

papa thought that the lighting is papa took the pics

aline in the closet
monster in the closet...

blacklight shine on (read : bleklitsineon)

the average life of aline...

learning how to cook...,

aline nggendong
put this stupid doll to sleep,

aline bercermin

aline bercermin
talking to her evil twin in the mirror,

aline with shotgun
and shooting practice with papa, wiht shotgun sejuta ummat, DEM47A

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